How to Add More Value To Your Emails Using UX Design Approach

Hola! I’m back with another value drop. We all get a lot of emails every single day, most of them never get attention because they are not useful to us. Which is why emails need to provide value to their readers in order to be effective in their messaging.

A valuable email user experience is what makes the customer journey easier. You may ask why? It is because, it gives strength to your email campaigns. And it gives the users exactly what want and need.

Let’s take a look at different ways you can add value to your email, by understanding the user intent and needs.

Gain attention with a relevant subject line.

Formulating a relevant and important subject line is the start of your beautiful friendship with your reader. It is important you create an impactful subject line. 

Subject lines that create a sense of urgency and curiosity has the potential to give 22% higher open rates.

Three things that you should have in an ideal subject line:

  1. Problem: Your subject line should state the problem that your audience is facing very clearly, but don’t emphasise on it.
  2. Time-frame: It should have a clear timeline and the consumer should know the answer to “When”.
  3. Solution: Once the precedent is set, it should also provide a direct solution. Emphasise on the solution.

If you can solve the most common problem of users, they are likely to open the email. 

For example, you are writing an email to Entrepreneurs, Small business owners, Marketers etc. In the email, the problem of low website visits should be first brought to attention. Their objective is to increase traffic. This is a great chance to empathise with the user. End the subject line with a solution to generate curiosity. For example:
”One simple keyword hack”

Impress the user with value-driven content.

Out of hundreds of emails reaching your customer’s inbox, a handful of them gives the reader its true value. Now, how do you define value? Value addition can be done by these three ways:

  1. User Benefit: The email should have content that is beneficial to the consumer. Information that is relevant, required and needed. It should help them at a greater level. 
  2. Catchy Headline: Headlines should catch their attention, clearly telling about what value you are adding.
  3. Solution Driven Content: The body of the email should also cater to that very solution in a very brief and direct manner. If you beat around the bush a lot, your customer will lose interest and won’t be able to consume the content.

Like we saw, UI/UX plays a very crucial role in making your emails effective and more user-friendly.

Key Takeaways

  • Creating curiosity and urgency in the subject line to hook the audience.
  • Generate interest with value driven content in the email.

This is just a gist of what UI/UX does in an email. It goes far deep, but that’s for a later time. Until then, Happy Creating!

If you have any questions/queries, reach out to me at – [email protected] or drop me a Hi! on my Instagram – @ishitasayswhat

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